Martín Almazán
15 may 2012, 12:21
Los días 24 y 25 de Alicante el Dr. Wolfgang Klippel impartirá un curso sobre calidad en altavoces, destinado principalmente a ingenieros involucrados en I+D, fabricación y control de calidad. Es en inglés sin traducción.
"Sound Quality of Audio Systems", presentado por el Dr. Wolfgang Klippel, del Institute of Acoustics and Speech Communication, Dresden University of Technology, Alemania
Fechas: Mayo 24 y 25th, 2012
Hora: Jueves, 10:30– 18:30 p.m, Viernes, 9:00– 17:30 p.m.
Lugar: University of Alicante, Carretera San Vicente del Raspeig s/n - 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig - Alicante
Precio: 200 € por persona
Resumen: The lecture addresses the evaluation of sound reproduction systems using objective measurement techniques. This is the basis for designing small, light and cost-effective loudspeakers reproducing the sound at high efficiency and sufficient sound quality. The generation of signal distortion is modeled by linear, nonlinear and time-variant systems with lumped and distributed parameters. New measurement techniques based on those models are presented which assess electro-acoustical systems while reproducing test signals and music as well.
The course establishes a relation between symptoms and physical causes of the distortion more transparently and discusses the impact on the perceived sound quality. This knowledge is important for describing loudspeaker drive units and complete systems by a comprehensive set of data based on a minimal number of measurements. The new methods and diagnostic tools are illustrated on loudspeakers used in telecommunication, automotive, multi-media and professional applications. The lecture is supplemented by practical sections giving each participant further opportunities for learning by doing.
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"Sound Quality of Audio Systems", presentado por el Dr. Wolfgang Klippel, del Institute of Acoustics and Speech Communication, Dresden University of Technology, Alemania
Fechas: Mayo 24 y 25th, 2012
Hora: Jueves, 10:30– 18:30 p.m, Viernes, 9:00– 17:30 p.m.
Lugar: University of Alicante, Carretera San Vicente del Raspeig s/n - 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig - Alicante
Precio: 200 € por persona
Resumen: The lecture addresses the evaluation of sound reproduction systems using objective measurement techniques. This is the basis for designing small, light and cost-effective loudspeakers reproducing the sound at high efficiency and sufficient sound quality. The generation of signal distortion is modeled by linear, nonlinear and time-variant systems with lumped and distributed parameters. New measurement techniques based on those models are presented which assess electro-acoustical systems while reproducing test signals and music as well.
The course establishes a relation between symptoms and physical causes of the distortion more transparently and discusses the impact on the perceived sound quality. This knowledge is important for describing loudspeaker drive units and complete systems by a comprehensive set of data based on a minimal number of measurements. The new methods and diagnostic tools are illustrated on loudspeakers used in telecommunication, automotive, multi-media and professional applications. The lecture is supplemented by practical sections giving each participant further opportunities for learning by doing.
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